Full texts provided here are for internal research and educational purposes only. For questions, please contact Dr. Vankee Lin.
† equal contribution
Lin FV. 2022. A multi-dimensional model of fatigue in old age: Implications for brain aging. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
*Turnbull A, Anthony M, Tadin D, Porsteinsson A, Heffner K, Lin F. 2022. Effect of online tDCS to left somatomotor cortex on neuropsychiatric symptoms among older adults at risk for dementia. Cortex.
Turnbull A, Seitz A, Tadin D, Lin FV. 2022. Unifying framework for cognitive training interventions in brain aging. Ageing Research Reviews. PDF
Turnbull A, Kaplan R, Adeli E, Lin FV. 2022. A Novel Explainability Approach for Technology-Driven Translational Research on Brain Aging. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.
*†Chen Q, †Turnbull A, Cole M, Zhang Z, Lin F. 2022. Enhancing Cortical Network-level Participation Coefficient as a Potential Mechanism for Transfer in Cognitive Training in aMCI. NeuroImage. PDF
*Baran T, Lin F, Geha P. 2021. Functional brain mapping in patients with chronic back pain shows age-related differences. Pain. PDF
*†Turnbull A, †Poerio GL, Ho NSP, Martinon LM, RIby LM, Lin FV, Jefferies E, Smallwood J. 2021. Age-related changes in ongoing thought relate to external context and individual cognition. Consciousness and Cognition. PDF
†Lin F, †Heffner K, Gevirtz R, Zhang Z, Tadin D, Porsteinsson A. 2021. Targeting Autonomic Flexibility to Enhance Cognitive Training Outcomes in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Trials.
*Heffner KL, Quiñones MM, Gallegos AM, Crean HF, Lin F & Suhr JA. 2021. Subjective memory in adults over 50 years of age: Associations with affective and physiological markers of emotion regulation. Aging & Mental Health.
*†Kukla B, †Anthony M, †Chen S, Turnbull A, Baran TM, Lin F. 2021. Brain Small-Worldness Properties and Perceived Fatigue in Mild Cognitive Impairment. The Journal of Gerontology: Series A. PDF
*Chen Q, Baran TM, Turnbull A, Zhang Z, Rebok GW, Lin F. 2021. Increased Segregation of Structural Brain Networks Underpins Enhanced Broad Cognitive Abilities of Cognitive Training. Human Brain Mapping. PDF
*Chen Q, Turnbull A, Baran TM, Lin F. 2020. Longitudinal stability of medial temporal lobe connectivity is associated with tau-related memory decline. eLife. PDF
*Wang L, Lin F, Cole M, Zhang Z. 2020. Learning Clique Subgraphs in Structural Brain Network Classification with Application to Crystalized Cognition. Neuroimage. PDF
*Anderson A, Heffner K, Dodell-Feder D, Lin, F. 2020. Decoding individual identity from brain activity elicited during the recollection of personal experiences. Nature Communications. PDF
*Chen Q, Baran, TM, Rooks, B, O’Banion, MK, Mapston, M., Zhang, Z, Lin, F. 2020. Cognitively supernormal older adults maintain a unique structural connectome that is resistant to Alzheimer's pathology. NeuroImage: Clinical. PDF
*Lin F, Cottone K, McDermott K, Jacobs A, Nelson D, Porsteinsson A, Chapman B. 2020. Attitudes toward computers moderate the effect of computerized cognitive trainings in oldest-old senior living center residents. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
*Chen Q†, Yang H†, Rooks B, Anthony M, Zhang Z, Tadin D & Heffner K, Lin F. 2020. Autonomic flexibility reflects learning and associated neuroplasticity in old age. Human Brain Mapping. PDF
*Lin F, Tao Y, Chen Q, Anthony M, Zhang Z, Tadin D & Heffner K. 2020. Processing speed and attention training modifies autonomic flexibility: A mechanistic intervention study. NeuroImage. PDF
*Rooks B†, Anthony M†, Chen Q, Lin Y, Baran T, Zhang Z, Lichtenberg P & Lin F. 2019. A generic brain connectome map linked to different types of everyday decision-making in old age. Brain Structure and Function. PDF
*Anderson AJ, Binder J, Fernandino L, Humphries C, Conant L, Raizada R, Lin F† & Lalor E†. 2019. An integrated neural decoder of linguistic and experiential meaning. Journal of Neuroscience. PDF
*Baran T, Zhang Z, Anderson AJ, McDermott K & Lin F. 2019. Brain structural connectomes indicate shared neural circuitry involved in subjective experience of cognitive and physical fatigue. Brain Imaging Behav. PDF
*Wang X, Heffner K, Anthony M & Li F. 2019. Stress adaptation in older adults with and without cognitive impairment: an fMRI pattern-based similarity analysis. Aging. PDF
*Anderson AJ, Ren P, Baran T, Zhang Z & Lin F. 2019. Insula and putamen centered functional connectivity networks reflect healthy agers’ subjective experience of cognitive fatigue in multiple tasks. Cortex. PDF
*Ren P, Anderson AJ, McDermott K, Baran T & Lin F. 2019. Cognitive fatigue and cortical-striatal network in old age. Aging. PDF
*McDermott K†, Ren P†, Lin F. 2019. The mediating role of hippocampal networks on stress regulation in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiology of Stress. PDF
Anderson AJ & Lin F. 2019. How pattern information analyses of semantic brain activity elicited in language comprehension could contribute to the early identification of Alzheimer’s Disease. Neuroimage: Clinical. PDF
†Yu F, †Lin FV, Salisbury DL, Shah KN, Chow L, Vock D, Nelson NW, Porsteinsson AP, Jack C Jr. 2019. Efficacy and mechanisms of combined aerobic exercise and cognitive training in mild cognitive impairment: study protocol of the ACT trial. Trial. PDF
*Baran T & Lin F. 2018. Amyloid and FDG PET of successful cognitive aging: Global and cingulate-specific differences. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. PDF
*Ren P, Chapman B, Zhang Z, Schifitto G & Lin F. 2018. Functional and structural connectivity of the amygdala underpins locus of control in mild cognitive impairment. Neuroimage: Clinical. PDF
*Anderson A, Lalor E, Lin F, Binder J, Fernandino L, Humphries C, Conant L, Raizada R, Grimm S & Wang X. 2018. Multiple regions of a cortical network commonly encode the meaning of words in multiple grammatical positions of read sentences. Cerebral Cortex. PDF
*Yu F, Chen Y, Mathiason MA, Wan Q & Lin F. 2018. Cognitive and physical factors affecting daily function in Alzheimer's disease: A cross-sectional analysis. Nursing & Health Sciences.
Anthony M & Lin F. 2018. A systematic review for functional neuroimaging studies of cognitive reserve across the cognitive aging spectrum. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. PDF
*Wang X, Ren P, Baran T, Raizada R, Mapstone M & Lin F. 2018. Longitudinal functional brain mapping in Supernormals. Cerebral Cortex. PDF
*Lin F, Ren P, Wang X, Tadin D, Heffner K. 2017. Cortical thickness is associated with altered autonomic function in cognitively impaired and non-impaired older adults. Journal of Physiology. PDF
*†Wang X, †Ren P, Mapstone M, Conwell Y, Porsteinsson A, Foxe J, Raizada R, Lin F. 2017. Identify a shared neural circuit linking multiple neuropsychiatric symptoms with Alzheimer’s pathology. Brain, Imaging and Behavior. PDF
*Ren P, Heffner K, Jacobs A, Lin F. 2017. Acute affective reactivity and quality of life in older adults with amnestic mild cognitive impairment: A functional MRI study. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
*Chapman B, Benedict C, Lin F, Roy S, Porsteinsson P, Szigeti K, Federoff H, Mapstone M. 2017. Apolipoprotein E genotype impact on memory and attention in older persons: the moderating role of personality phenotype. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
*Lin F, Wang X, Wu R, Rebok G, Chapman B. 2017. Identification of successful cognitive aging in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. PDF
Victoroff J, Lin F, Coburn K, Shillcutt S, Voon V, Ducharme S. 2017. Noncognitive behavioral changes associated with Alzheimer's disease: Implications of Neuroimaging Findings. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. PDF
*Ren, P, Anthony M, Heffner K, Chapman B, Lin F. 2017. Amygdala functional connectivity is associated with locus of control in the context of cognitive aging. Neuropsychologia. PDF
*Chapman B, Benedict R, Lin F, Roy S, Federoff H, Mapstone M. 2017. Personality and performance in specific neurocognitive domains among older persons. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
*Lin F, Heffner K, Ren P, Tadin D. 2017. A role of the parasympathetic nervous system in cognitive training. Current Alzheimer’s Research. PDF
*†Shah K, †Lin F, Yu F, McMahon J. 2017. Activity engagement and physical function in old age sample. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. PDF
*Mapstone M, Lin F, Nalls M, Cheema A, Singleton AB, Fiandaca M, Federoff H. 2017. What success can teach us about failure: the plasma metabolome of older adults with superior memory and lessons for Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging. PDF
*Lin F, Ren P, Mapstone M, Meyers S, Porsteinsson A & Baran T. 2017. The cingulate cortex of older adults with excellent memory capacity. Cortex. PDF
*Lin F, Ren P, Lo Y, Chapman B, Jacobs A, Baran T, Porsteinsson A & Foxe J. 2017. Insula and inferior frontal gyrus' activations protect memory performance against Alzheimer's pathology in old age. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. PDF
Wu R, Rebok G & Lin F. 2016. A novel theoretical life course framework for triggering cognitive development across the lifespan. Human Development. PDF
*Ren P, Lo R, Chapman B, Mapstone M, Porsteinsson A & Lin F. 2016. Longitudinal alteration of intrinsic brain activity in the striatum in mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. PDF
*Lin F, Ren P, Cotton K, Porsteinsson A, Mapstone M & Heffner K. 2016. Mental fatigability and heart rate variability in mild cognitive impairment. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
*Lin F, Heffner K, Ren P, Tivarus M, Brasch J, Chen D, Mapstone M, Porsteinsson A & Tadin D. 2016. Cognitive and neural effects of vision-based speed of processing training in older adults with amnestic mild cognitive impairment: A pilot study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. PDF
*David ND†, Lin F† & Porsteinsson A. 2016. Trajectories of neuropsychiatric symptoms and cognitive decline in mild cognitive impairment. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
< 2015
*Hill N, Mogle J, Colancecco E, Dick R. Hannan J, Lin F. 2015. Feasibility study of an attention training application for older adults. International Journal of Older People Nursing.
*†Lin F, †Roiland R, Chen DG, Qiu C. 2015. Linking cognition and frailty in middle and old age: Metabolic syndrome matters. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
*†Roiland R, †Lin F, Phelan C, Chapman B. 2014. Stress regulation as a mechanism linking executive function and pre-frailty. Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging. PDF
Chen DG, Chen X, Lin F, Tang WYL, Guo Y. 2014. Cusp catastrophe polynomial model: power and sample size determination. Open Journal of Statistics. PDF
*†Lin F, †Lo R, Cole D, Ducharme S, Mapstone M, Porsteinsson A, ADNI Group. 2014. Longitudinal effects of metabolic syndrome on Alzheimer and vascular related brain pathology. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra. PDF
*Lin F, Roiland R, Heffner K, Johnson M, Chen DG, Mapstone M. 2014. Evaluation of objective and perceived mental fatigability in older adults with vascular risk. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. PDF
Chen DG, Chen C, Tang W, Lin F. 2014. Statistical power analysis for Guastello's cusp catastrophe polynomial regression model: A simulation-based approach. Lecture in W.G. Kennedy, N. Agarwal, and SJ. Yang (Eds.): SBP 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8393, pp, 35-41.
*Lin F, Suhr J, Diebold S, Heffner K. 2014. Associations between depressive symptoms and memory deficits vary as a function of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) levels in healthy older adults. Psychoneuroendocrinology. PDF
*†Chen DG, †Lin F, Chen X, Wang T, Kitzman H. 2014. Cusp catastrophe model: A nonlinear model for health outcomes in nursing research. Nursing Research. PDF
*Lin F, Roiland R, Polesskaya O, Chapman B, Johnson M, Brasch J, Chen D, Mapstone M. 2014. Fatigability disrupts cognitive processes' regulation of inflammatory reactivity in old age. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
Johnson M, Lin F. 2014. Communication difficulty and relevant interventions in Mild Cognitive Impairment. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. PDF
*Lin F, Heffner KL, Mapstone M, Chen D, Porsteinsson AP. 2014. Frequency of mentally stimulating activities modifies the relationship between cardiovascular reactivity and executive function in old age. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
*Lin F, Chen D, Vance DE, Ball K, Mapstone M. 2013. Longitudinal relationships of subjective fatigue, cognitive function, and everyday functioning in old age. International Psychogeriatrics. PDF
*Lin F, Chen D, Vance DE, Mapstone M. 2013. Trajectories of combined laboratory- and real world-based speed of processing in community-dwelling older adults: Predictors and functional outcomes. Journal of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. PDF
Lin F, Vance DE, Gleason CE, Heidrich SM. 2012. Taking care of older adults with mild cognitive impairment: An update for nurses. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. PDF
*Lin F, Friedman E, Quinn J, Chen D, Mapstone M. 2012. Effect of leisure activities on inflammation and cognitive function in an aging sample. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. PDF
*Lin F, Heidrich SM. 2012. Role of older adult’s illness schemata in coping with mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. PDF
Vance DE, Kaur J, Fazeli PL, Talley MH, Yuen HK, Lin F. 2012. Neuroplasticity and successful cognitive aging: A brief overview for nursing. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. PDF
*Lin F, Gleason CE, Heidrich SM. 2012. Illness representations in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Research in Gerontological Nursing. PDF
*Lin F, Wharton W, Dowling NM, Ries ML, Johnson SC, Carlsson CM, Asthana S, Gleason CE. 2010. Awareness of memory abilities in community-dwelling older adults with suspected dementia and mild cognitive impairment. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. PDF
Full texts provided here are for internal research and educational purposes only. For questions, please contact Dr. Vankee Lin.
† equal contribution
Lin, F., Simmons, J., Turnbull, A., Zuo, Y., Conwell, Y., & Wang, K., Cross-species framework for emotional wellbeing and brain aging: lesson from behavioral neuroscience. JAMA Psychiatry, 2025
Salivary, D, Lin, FV. †, Yu, F. †. Testing the iMplementation Framework fOr behavioral and LIfestyLe interventions in AlZheimer’s DiseasE (MOBILIZE) via the ACT randomized controlled trial. Scientific Report, 2025 PDF
Guimarães, A. L., Lin, F. V., Panizzutti, R., Turnbull, A. Effective engagement in computerized cognitive training for older adults. Ageing research reviews
Turnbull, A., Lin, F. V., Zhang, Z. Issues of parcellation in the calculation of structure-function coupling. Nature reviews. Neuroscience PDF
*Zhou S., Anthony, M., Adeli, E., Lin, FV. Profiles of brain topology for dual-functional stability in old age, GeroScience, in press
Turnbull, A., Gould C., Odden M., Adeli, E., Kaplan, R., Lin, F. A health-equity framework for tailoring digital non-pharmacological interventions in aging. Nature Mental Health, in press
*Saxena, P.†, Turnbull, A†., Kim, D., Sommer, B., Lin, FV. Brain network correlates of mood symptoms in aMCI. Aging Brain, in press
*†Turnbull, A., †Kim, Y., †Zhang, K., Mao, T., Jiang, X., He, Z., Henderson, V., Lin, FV. Age-associated plasma proteins in explaining the role of medial temporal lobe structural connectivity in Alzheimer’s disease. GeroScience
*†Wang Y., †Turnbull A., Xu D., Heffner K., Lin, FV., Adeli, E. Vision-based Estimation of Fatigue and Engagement in Cognitive Training Sessions. Artificial Intelligence In Medicine PDF [BREATHE study]
*Therrien, S., Anthony, M., Turnbull A., Lin, F., Risk-taking behavior differs between older adults with and without mild cognitive impairment, J Alzheimers Dis PDF
*Anthony, M., Turnbull, A., Tadin, D., Lin, F. Positive affective experience protects cognitive plasticity in older adults with neurodegeneration, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience PDF
Lin, F., Zuo, Y., Conwell, Y., Wang, K. New Horizons in Emotional Well-being and Brain Aging: Potential Lessons from Cross-species Research. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry PDF
Lin FV & Heffner, K. (2023) Autonomic nervous system flexibility for understanding brain aging. Ageing Research Reviews. PDF
Turnbull A, Seitz A, Lin FV. (2023). Improving comparability across cognitive training trials for brain aging: A focus on interoperability. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: TRCI. PDF
*†Therrien S, †Turnbull A, Anthony M, Conwell Y, Lin FV (2023). Influence of Affective States on Informant Impression of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in people living with MCI. Aging & Mental Health. PDF [BEEM study]
*†Peralta-Malváez L, †Turnbull A, Anthony M, Adeli E, Lin FV. (2023). CCA identifies a neurophysiological marker of adaptation capacity that is reliably linked to internal locus of control of cognition in amnestic MCI. GeroScience. PDF [BEEM & CogTE studies]
Lin FV. 2022. A multi-dimensional model of fatigue in old age: Implications for brain aging. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
*Turnbull A, Anthony M, Tadin D, Porsteinsson A, Heffner K, Lin F. 2022. Effect of online tDCS to left somatomotor cortex on neuropsychiatric symptoms among older adults at risk for dementia. Cortex. PDF [BEEM study]
Turnbull A, Seitz A, Tadin D, Lin FV. 2022. Unifying framework for cognitive training interventions in brain aging. Ageing Research Reviews. PDF
Turnbull A, Kaplan R, Adeli E, Lin FV. 2022. A Novel Explainability Approach for Technology-Driven Translational Research on Brain Aging. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. PDF
*†Chen Q, †Turnbull A, Cole M, Zhang Z, Lin F. 2022. Enhancing Cortical Network-level Participation Coefficient as a Potential Mechanism for Transfer in Cognitive Training in aMCI. NeuroImage. PDF [CogTE study]
*Baran T, Lin F, Geha P. 2021. Functional brain mapping in patients with chronic back pain shows age-related differences. Pain. PDF
*†Turnbull A, †Poerio GL, Ho NSP, Martinon LM, RIby LM, Lin FV, Jefferies E, Smallwood J. 2021. Age-related changes in ongoing thought relate to external context and individual cognition. Consciousness and Cognition. PDF
†Lin F, †Heffner K, Gevirtz R, Zhang Z, Tadin D, Porsteinsson A. 2021. Targeting Autonomic Flexibility to Enhance Cognitive Training Outcomes in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Trials. PDF [BREATHE study]
*Heffner KL, Quiñones MM, Gallegos AM, Crean HF, Lin F & Suhr JA. 2021. Subjective memory in adults over 50 years of age: Associations with affective and physiological markers of emotion regulation. Aging & Mental Health. PDF
*†Kukla B, †Anthony M, †Chen S, Turnbull A, Baran TM, Lin F. 2021. Brain Small-Worldness Properties and Perceived Fatigue in Mild Cognitive Impairment. The Journal of Gerontology: Series A. PDF [CF & CogTE studies]
*Chen Q, Baran TM, Turnbull A, Zhang Z, Rebok GW, Lin F. 2021. Increased Segregation of Structural Brain Networks Underpins Enhanced Broad Cognitive Abilities of Cognitive Training. Human Brain Mapping. PDF [CogTE study]
*Chen Q, Turnbull A, Baran TM, Lin F. 2020. Longitudinal stability of medial temporal lobe connectivity is associated with tau-related memory decline. eLife. PDF [Supernormal study]
*Wang L, Lin F, Cole M, Zhang Z. 2020. Learning Clique Subgraphs in Structural Brain Network Classification with Application to Crystalized Cognition. Neuroimage. PDF
*Anderson A, Heffner K, Dodell-Feder D, Lin, F. 2020. Decoding individual identity from brain activity elicited during the recollection of personal experiences. Nature Communications. PDF [HARP study]
*Chen Q, Baran, TM, Rooks, B, O’Banion, MK, Mapston, M., Zhang, Z, Lin, F. 2020. Cognitively supernormal older adults maintain a unique structural connectome that is resistant to Alzheimer's pathology. NeuroImage: Clinical. PDF [Supernormal study]
*Lin F, Cottone K, McDermott K, Jacobs A, Nelson D, Porsteinsson A, Chapman B. 2020. Attitudes toward computers moderate the effect of computerized cognitive trainings in oldest-old senior living center residents. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF [PACT study]
*Chen Q†, Yang H†, Rooks B, Anthony M, Zhang Z, Tadin D & Heffner K, Lin F. 2020. Autonomic flexibility reflects learning and associated neuroplasticity in old age. Human Brain Mapping. PDF [CogTE study]
*Lin F, Tao Y, Chen Q, Anthony M, Zhang Z, Tadin D & Heffner K. 2020. Processing speed and attention training modifies autonomic flexibility: A mechanistic intervention study. NeuroImage. PDF [CogTE study]
*Rooks B†, Anthony M†, Chen Q, Lin Y, Baran T, Zhang Z, Lichtenberg P & Lin F. 2019. A generic brain connectome map linked to different types of everyday decision-making in old age. Brain Structure and Function. PDF [CF study]
*Anderson AJ, Binder J, Fernandino L, Humphries C, Conant L, Raizada R, Lin F† & Lalor E†. 2019. An integrated neural decoder of linguistic and experiential meaning. Journal of Neuroscience. PDF
*Baran T, Zhang Z, Anderson AJ, McDermott K & Lin F. 2019. Brain structural connectomes indicate shared neural circuitry involved in subjective experience of cognitive and physical fatigue. Brain Imaging Behav. PDF [CF study]
*Wang X, Heffner K, Anthony M & Li F. 2019. Stress adaptation in older adults with and without cognitive impairment: an fMRI pattern-based similarity analysis. Aging. PDF [ESB study]
*Anderson AJ, Ren P, Baran T, Zhang Z & Lin F. 2019. Insula and putamen centered functional connectivity networks reflect healthy agers’ subjective experience of cognitive fatigue in multiple tasks. Cortex. PDF [CF study]
*Ren P, Anderson AJ, McDermott K, Baran T & Lin F. 2019. Cognitive fatigue and cortical-striatal network in old age. Aging. PDF [CF study]
*McDermott K†, Ren P†, Lin F. 2019. The mediating role of hippocampal networks on stress regulation in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiology of Stress. PDF [ESB study]
Anderson AJ & Lin F. 2019. How pattern information analyses of semantic brain activity elicited in language comprehension could contribute to the early identification of Alzheimer’s Disease. Neuroimage: Clinical. PDF
†Yu F, †Lin FV, Salisbury DL, Shah KN, Chow L, Vock D, Nelson NW, Porsteinsson AP, Jack C Jr. 2019. Efficacy and mechanisms of combined aerobic exercise and cognitive training in mild cognitive impairment: study protocol of the ACT trial. Trial. PDF [ACT study]
*Baran T & Lin F. 2018. Amyloid and FDG PET of successful cognitive aging: Global and cingulate-specific differences. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. PDF [Supernormal study]
*Ren P, Chapman B, Zhang Z, Schifitto G & Lin F. 2018. Functional and structural connectivity of the amygdala underpins locus of control in mild cognitive impairment. Neuroimage: Clinical. PDF [ESB study]
*Anderson A, Lalor E, Lin F, Binder J, Fernandino L, Humphries C, Conant L, Raizada R, Grimm S & Wang X. 2018. Multiple regions of a cortical network commonly encode the meaning of words in multiple grammatical positions of read sentences. Cerebral Cortex. PDF
*Yu F, Chen Y, Mathiason MA, Wan Q & Lin F. 2018. Cognitive and physical factors affecting daily function in Alzheimer's disease: A cross-sectional analysis. Nursing & Health Sciences.
Anthony M & Lin F. 2018. A systematic review for functional neuroimaging studies of cognitive reserve across the cognitive aging spectrum. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. PDF
*Wang X, Ren P, Baran T, Raizada R, Mapstone M & Lin F. 2018. Longitudinal functional brain mapping in Supernormals. Cerebral Cortex. PDF [Supernormal study]
*Lin F, Ren P, Wang X, Tadin D, Heffner K. 2017. Cortical thickness is associated with altered autonomic function in cognitively impaired and non-impaired older adults. Journal of Physiology. PDF [CF study]
*†Wang X, †Ren P, Mapstone M, Conwell Y, Porsteinsson A, Foxe J, Raizada R, Lin F. 2017. Identify a shared neural circuit linking multiple neuropsychiatric symptoms with Alzheimer’s pathology. Brain, Imaging and Behavior. PDF [Supernormal study]
*Ren P, Heffner K, Jacobs A, Lin F. 2017. Acute affective reactivity and quality of life in older adults with amnestic mild cognitive impairment: A functional MRI study. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF [ESB study]
*Chapman B, Benedict C, Lin F, Roy S, Porsteinsson P, Szigeti K, Federoff H, Mapstone M. 2017. Apolipoprotein E genotype impact on memory and attention in older persons: the moderating role of personality phenotype. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
*Lin F, Wang X, Wu R, Rebok G, Chapman B. 2017. Identification of successful cognitive aging in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. PDF [PACT study]
Victoroff J, Lin F, Coburn K, Shillcutt S, Voon V, Ducharme S. 2017. Noncognitive behavioral changes associated with Alzheimer's disease: Implications of Neuroimaging Findings. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. PDF
*Ren, P, Anthony M, Heffner K, Chapman B, Lin F. 2017. Amygdala functional connectivity is associated with locus of control in the context of cognitive aging. Neuropsychologia. PDF [ESB study]
*Chapman B, Benedict R, Lin F, Roy S, Federoff H, Mapstone M. 2017. Personality and performance in specific neurocognitive domains among older persons. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
*Lin F, Heffner K, Ren P, Tadin D. 2017. A role of the parasympathetic nervous system in cognitive training. Current Alzheimer’s Research. PDF [CogT study]
*†Shah K, †Lin F, Yu F, McMahon J. 2017. Activity engagement and physical function in old age sample. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. PDF
*Mapstone M, Lin F, Nalls M, Cheema A, Singleton AB, Fiandaca M, Federoff H. 2017. What success can teach us about failure: the plasma metabolome of older adults with superior memory and lessons for Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging. PDF
*Lin F, Ren P, Mapstone M, Meyers S, Porsteinsson A & Baran T. 2017. The cingulate cortex of older adults with excellent memory capacity. Cortex. PDF [Supernormal study]
*Lin F, Ren P, Lo Y, Chapman B, Jacobs A, Baran T, Porsteinsson A & Foxe J. 2017. Insula and inferior frontal gyrus' activations protect memory performance against Alzheimer's pathology in old age. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. PDF [Supernormal study]
Wu R, Rebok G & Lin F. 2016. A novel theoretical life course framework for triggering cognitive development across the lifespan. Human Development. PDF
*Ren P, Lo R, Chapman B, Mapstone M, Porsteinsson A & Lin F. 2016. Longitudinal alteration of intrinsic brain activity in the striatum in mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. PDF [Supernormal study]
*Lin F, Ren P, Cotton K, Porsteinsson A, Mapstone M & Heffner K. 2016. Mental fatigability and heart rate variability in mild cognitive impairment. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF [CogT study]
*Lin F, Heffner K, Ren P, Tivarus M, Brasch J, Chen D, Mapstone M, Porsteinsson A & Tadin D. 2016. Cognitive and neural effects of vision-based speed of processing training in older adults with amnestic mild cognitive impairment: A pilot study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. PDF [CogT study]
*David ND†, Lin F† & Porsteinsson A. 2016. Trajectories of neuropsychiatric symptoms and cognitive decline in mild cognitive impairment. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
< 2015
*Hill N, Mogle J, Colancecco E, Dick R. Hannan J, Lin F. 2015. Feasibility study of an attention training application for older adults. International Journal of Older People Nursing. PDF
*†Lin F, †Roiland R, Chen DG, Qiu C. 2015. Linking cognition and frailty in middle and old age: Metabolic syndrome matters. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
*†Roiland R, †Lin F, Phelan C, Chapman B. 2014. Stress regulation as a mechanism linking executive function and pre-frailty. Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging. PDF
Chen DG, Chen X, Lin F, Tang WYL, Guo Y. 2014. Cusp catastrophe polynomial model: power and sample size determination. Open Journal of Statistics. PDF
*†Lin F, †Lo R, Cole D, Ducharme S, Mapstone M, Porsteinsson A, ADNI Group. 2014. Longitudinal effects of metabolic syndrome on Alzheimer and vascular related brain pathology. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra. PDF
*Lin F, Roiland R, Heffner K, Johnson M, Chen DG, Mapstone M. 2014. Evaluation of objective and perceived mental fatigability in older adults with vascular risk. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. PDF
Chen DG, Chen C, Tang W, Lin F. 2014. Statistical power analysis for Guastello's cusp catastrophe polynomial regression model: A simulation-based approach. Lecture in W.G. Kennedy, N. Agarwal, and SJ. Yang (Eds.): SBP 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8393, pp, 35-41.
*Lin F, Suhr J, Diebold S, Heffner K. 2014. Associations between depressive symptoms and memory deficits vary as a function of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) levels in healthy older adults. Psychoneuroendocrinology. PDF
*†Chen DG, †Lin F, Chen X, Wang T, Kitzman H. 2014. Cusp catastrophe model: A nonlinear model for health outcomes in nursing research. Nursing Research. PDF
*Lin F, Roiland R, Polesskaya O, Chapman B, Johnson M, Brasch J, Chen D, Mapstone M. 2014. Fatigability disrupts cognitive processes' regulation of inflammatory reactivity in old age. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
Johnson M, Lin F. 2014. Communication difficulty and relevant interventions in Mild Cognitive Impairment. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. PDF
*Lin F, Heffner KL, Mapstone M, Chen D, Porsteinsson AP. 2014. Frequency of mentally stimulating activities modifies the relationship between cardiovascular reactivity and executive function in old age. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF
*Lin F, Chen D, Vance DE, Ball K, Mapstone M. 2013. Longitudinal relationships of subjective fatigue, cognitive function, and everyday functioning in old age. International Psychogeriatrics. PDF
*Lin F, Chen D, Vance DE, Mapstone M. 2013. Trajectories of combined laboratory- and real world-based speed of processing in community-dwelling older adults: Predictors and functional outcomes. Journal of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. PDF
Lin F, Vance DE, Gleason CE, Heidrich SM. 2012. Taking care of older adults with mild cognitive impairment: An update for nurses. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. PDF
*Lin F, Friedman E, Quinn J, Chen D, Mapstone M. 2012. Effect of leisure activities on inflammation and cognitive function in an aging sample. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. PDF
*Lin F, Heidrich SM. 2012. Role of older adult’s illness schemata in coping with mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. PDF
Vance DE, Kaur J, Fazeli PL, Talley MH, Yuen HK, Lin F. 2012. Neuroplasticity and successful cognitive aging: A brief overview for nursing. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. PDF
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