Interested in our research?
We maintain a research contact database for individuals interested in staying up-to-date on our research.
What is it?
Our research contact database is for individuals aged 55 years or older who are interested in different aspects of cognitive enhancement and successful aging. This is a volunteer database, meaning that any individual aged 55 years or older, including past, current, or prospective participants, or anyone who is just interested in our research, may join voluntarily. Joining our database will allow you to stay updated on active and upcoming research in our lab. Our research focuses on developing non-pharmacological cognitive interventions that can delay the progression of cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease-related dementia to promote successful cognitive aging.
How does it work?
To join the database, you will need to mail in a signed consent form and your contact information. When recruitment opens for an upcoming study, we will reach out to you using the contact information you have provided to ask whether you are interested in hearing about the study. This is for informative purposes only. Consenting to the database gives us permission to contact you in the future about current and upcoming studies. Only if you are interested in participating in the study will we proceed with the actual recruitment process. If you are not interested at the time, you may decline.
Do I have to participate in studies?
No, study participation is always optional. Completing the consent form gives us permission to contact you about studies in our lab that may interest you. You will never be obligated to participate in any study. Declining to participate will not impact your eligibility for future studies with our lab or any other lab.
Will other labs be given my information?
No. All research studies that we contact you about will be affiliated with our lab only.
Can I be removed from the database if I change my mind?
Of course. If you no longer want to be included in the database, please contact us by phone or email.
How do I join the database?
To join our database, click here for the consent forms. An entire copy of the signed consent form with the supplemental form must be mailed to our lab in order to join the database. Please make sure you submit current contact information. If you have any questions or concerns about the database, we are more than willing to discuss them with you by phone or email.
Please mail the consent form to:
UR Center for Advanced Brain Imaging & Neurophysiology (CABIN)
Attn: CogT Lab
430 Elmwood Avenue
PO Box 278917
Rochester, NY 14620
This information is for joining our database at University of Rochester in Rochester, NY. For those in California, please check back later for information on how to join our Stanford University database as it is currently under development. In the meantime if you are interested in learning more about research opportunities at our lab you may contact the Stanford team using the information listed below.
Interested in
participating in a study
or want more information
about our research?
Contact us!
Contact the CogT Lab
University of Rochester
Stanford University
(585) 276-5999
(650) 725-0581